Offer to Contribute

If you wish to offer to contribute or partner with us to develop and publish Bible study lessons, use the form below.

Before you fill out the form, please understand that our site is based on specific theological beliefs outlined on our "What We Believe" page.  Click here to read that page to ensure that you agree with what is provided there.   We can't partner in ministry unless we agree on theological matters first.

Having said that, we don't necessarily partner with all who agree with us theologically.  We  wish to have partners who agree with, or can compliment, our format which is explained on our home page. 

Why You Might Offer to Contribute 

First, God can be glorified with free online Bible study lessons.

Secondly, it helps to reduce the cost of educational materials for churches and others who use the free Bible study lessons you develop.

Lastly, you could be compensated for work that you are likely already doing on a weekly basis.

Fill Out the Form Below to Explore a Potential Partnership

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